Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brayden Goes To School

Well I have been out of the loop for a while and have many blogs to catch up on. My computer was on the fritz so lets just see if memory of the last couple of months serves.

Brayden started school in the middle of February. It is a Pre-KD class which is for special needs children. We were excited for him, but also apprehensive. Mom got him all ready for school and both Grandmommy and Grandpa Tim were there for the send off.

So here he is cheesing for the camera...he has no idea what is in store for him.

A little giggle time with Grandpa Tim

Outside to wait for the bus with his backpack on. Now he really didn't like to put that on but we snapped a pic before he wigged out. Now he LOVES his backpack and in the morning mom gets him dressed and he runs to get his backpack and puts it on cause he knows he's goin' to school!

Mom handing Bray to the bus aide. He takes the bus every day right from his driveway. There is a driver and an aide. He has a booster seat and gets strapped in. This looks like torture but actually he ended up not crying a bit after she put him in his seat and he just looked all around out his window. He now LOVES his bus rides!

He looks so sad :( Mom and Grandmommy cried when that bus left. But all in all it is such a great experience for Brayden and he's learning so much. Now taking him out to the bus is like old news. He hops right on and is ready to go :)

Now this is his daily ritual...waiting for his bus, with backpack on and no struggles.

They took school pictures of the kids in March. As far as we know, no one was notified, they just came home in Brayden's backpack with request for payment. Anyhow, since they were the first ever she bought them. I have no idea how they got him to sit still and do whatever kind of smile that is...or get him to sit still period!


Shelly Beth said...

Wow. Such a big boy! It will be a sad but happy day when Isabelle goes to school for the first time. I know she will LOVE it and it would be great for her to interact with other kids. Maybe next year....She still has a while.

Anonymous said...

such a great looking family.. i see lots of love going on and how wonderful for the little ones to grow up in that atmosphere.. to bad you are so far away...However!! isn't the computer and the internet a great thing.?? only as far away as a quick e-mail.. congrats on your new spiritual welk with the god of the universe.. he does make a difference in your life... lots of love and prayers for all....gram lew in texas