Saturday, February 21, 2009

Marriage Retreat 2009

Tim and I went on a Marriage Retreat with our Church this weekend. It was a super nice place to stay and we learned a lot in a super fun way. So many of our friends from church were there and that also made it a great experience.

This is the view from our room balcony. That is the Gulf of Mexico out there. It's so gorgeous!! Every time I see it, it's like I'm seeing it for the first time because I'm so in awe.

Here I am before the Friday night part of the conference. I got off work early and we grabbed some Subway sandwiches and drinks and headed to the resort. We were able to enjoy our room and the balcony with its awesome view for a few hours before we headed down stairs to the meeting room. Once there we grabbed a table and sat with some of our friends. First thing they did was pass around a roll of toilet paper. They said take as much as you like. I took 4 squares and Tim took 6. Then they passed around a microphone and you had to introduce your spouse to everyone with facts - 1 for every sheet of toilet paper you took. It was fun, sometimes corny and a good way to get to know people.

Here is Tim, he's a pretty happy guy. The conference that evening had these HUGE cookies. We had a break after the toilet paper game and so we grabbed a couple and some coffee and settled in for a lesson.

Here we are Saturday after the morning conference. They fed us a super yummy buffet breakfast of strangled eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon and danishes. They picked 3 couples for the Newlywed Game and yup we got picked! We almost won, it was a tie and we had to pick a number between 1 and 10. We lost but we got a cool CD consolation prize. It was all in fun although I would have loved to win that Fireproof video!

All in all it was a great time and we will be back next year! We hung out on the hotels boardwalk for a while and snapped these photos. Then we took off not to long down the road and stopped at Mary's work - Tim's mom. This was her last day...EVER! She is officially retired now. She deserves it! We took her to lunch at "Cheeseburger In Paradise", a place all about Jimmy Buffet.
Tomorrow we have church and Tim and I are on Nursery duty. We are taking Brayden with us as usual and needless to say we will be exhausted when we get home!
What a GREAT weekend!!!

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