Monday, February 16, 2009

Welcome Baby Logan!!

I would like to introduce you to Logan Gabriel Hayner, born at 753am CST on Wednesday, February 11th, 2009. He weighed in at 10lbs 7oz and was 21 inches long. He's a big boy but big brother Brayden still holds the record. Logan was delivered by C-Section and mom had to get a "T" cut because they had trouble getting this chunk out.

Here is mom getting ready...quite the fashionable outfit they give you.

Dad's ready to go, can't wait to meet his new son!

Here is Logan just hours old and all swaddled. He definately looks like dad!

Here I am, Grandmommy all proud and holding my new grandson. What a day!

Grandpa Tim is loving it too!

Here is mom with Logan one day old. He's doing great, can't wait to take him home. Taryn was released on Friday but Logan had to stay because he turned out to have Jaundice. They had to keep him under the ultra-violet lights as you can see in the pic below. Mom and Dad stayed at the hospital with him until he was released late Saturday evening.

They sent Logan home with a special blanket that has the ultra-violet lights in it and he had to lay on it all day Sunday. He went back today for a check-up and he's good to go.

Here is big brother Brayden (thats a mouthful!) investigating the new addition. Logan is looking at Brayden like "Is he going to touch me?"

Brayden is so happy! We wern't sure how Bray was going to react to Logan but as you can see he's a happy camper. Brayden turns 3 tomorrow, Feb 17. Taryn & Dan are waiting until its a bit nicer outside to throw him a party. There is a lot going on right now and they want to do the bounce house thing for him. He LOVES that!


Shelly Beth said...

So cute! Love the pictures. And Brayden looks like he is loving being a big brother. Congrats to all - he looks like a keeper :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Grandmommy! What a chunk Logan is! He's a very handsome little guy! And what a wonderful pic of "The Bros". I would blow up the one where Brayden's got that cute ear-to-ear smile with his baby bro. So precious. I'm son happyb for your family! Way to go guys!
Suzie Q