Wednesday, April 15, 2009

March Birthday's

We have several birthday's in March. Katie, Tim, Taryn and my Mom. We celebrated Tim's, March 8 and Katie's, March 3 on the morning of March 7th. Taryn, March 19, celebrated with her husband, and Mom, March 20, well she is in California so we didn't get to do much with her but we did send her a super cool gardening windchime!

Katie turned 11. Here she is with another Webkins. She has quite the collection going!

She got a few other cool things - as you can see she loves "Camp Rock" as much as the other almost tweens.

This is Tim's "cake". Instead of a traditional cake, we had a yummy raspberry danish at breakfast.

Ok so here is Tim being as silly as possible and blowing out the candles on his birthday danish. Now I cannot help pointing out that delicious bacon on the table. Mmmmm...B A C O N !!

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