Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Shower For Baby Logan

Last weekend we had a baby shower for baby Logan. This will be my 2nd grandchild and yep I'm excited!! He will be cut from mama's belly on February 25, 2009 providing he decides to stick around in that home of water that long.

Here is a pic of Taryn and I. Not one of my best but I gotta be in at least one right?

The yummy food and cake. The bakery did a fab job on the cake! Its the same bakery we used for our wedding cake.

Here are the girls playing the baby bottle game. They had to see who could suck down 4oz of juice the quickest and with a newborn nipple too!

I know! Gross! was hilarious! This is the "guess what kind of choclate" game. We took 5 different kinds of candy bars, melted them in the microwave, and smooshed them in infant diapers.

Even Brayden got in on some of the fun - he was pretty occupied with all the Baby Boy balloons.

There was a break to eat that delicious sandwich and other munchies.

So where do you think the men were? In the kitchen by the food of course!

And on to the gifts. She got some real useful things. It was a fun party and there was a lot of laughing. Logan will be here soon!

1 comment:

Shelly Beth said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! It would be fun to meet up sometime. I haven't seen you or Taryn in what seems like forever and have never met Brayden! Can't wait to hear all about the delivery! So, what made the doctor decide to do a c-section this time? I am trying for a VBAC, but we will see how that goes.