Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had a nice Christmas holiday this year, over and over and over! Our tree was pretty colorful this year. Also a nice pic of the stockings over the fireplace, all filled by Santa :)

We started off with Christmas eve over at Taryn & Daniel's house. Dan is in the Air Force and had to work a 12 hour shift the next day. So we did our exchange and enjoyed watching Brayden open his gifts. Bray loved the Brobie he got - he's a total Yo Gabba Gabba junkie! He also really liked the Wonder Pets flying boat with Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming Ming Duckling and Turtle Tuck.

On Christmas day, Tim and I exchanged our gifts and had Taryn & Brayden over for breakfast. We gave Bray his stocking and Taryn a little something I held back so she could have something to open on Christmas day.

Two days later, we went to Tallahassee to pick up Tim's girls. guessed it, we did our gift exchange with them Saturday night. Here they are doing silly faces in their new jammies.

Then on Sunday, it was officially Alex's 15th Birthday, she got a sweet new digital camera. She was really excited for that! We had a family get-together and Tim's mom came over and we did our Christmas exchange of gifts with her. On Tuesday, Alex got her permit - watch out Florida drivers!

Christmas came over and over again, it was fun to spread it out like that. Its the most fun for me to give gifts and watch people's faces as they open them. I try to put a lot of thought into them and get them something that is just right. With the loss of my job it was hard this year and very limited but I did what I could and I am satisfied at how things turned out. After all, Christmas is about that one special person who was born in a manger and then later died for our sins. It is a season of giving, family and joy. We definitely made the best of it!!


Shelly Beth said...

Congrats on the new job! How do you like it so far? And it looks like you had a great Christmas. So where does Brett spend Christmas? Does he go see grandma and grandpa? Is Taryn moving?

Anonymous said...

Hey LO!! Congrats on the job man! I am so damn happy for you! Now you BOTH have jobs again! As of a job on my end, I have something in the works, but am hesitant to commit. Pretty scarey to give up working with the human race out there in the public and to resort to a stay-at-home worker. I'm so glad you guys had a great Christmas. I was glad when 2008went into the history books. For OUR family anyway. On to a new and prosperous new 2009!!! CONGRATS CONGRATS on you new JOB!!!