Saturday, September 19, 2009

The End of Summer 2009

As the summer comes to a close, I felt the need to post the remaining pictures from our last visit to the beach. I was really hoping to get 1 more day in before we travel to Calif the beginning of Oct, but I don't think it's gonna happen. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

A lot of changes have come into my life this past year. There are also some huge changes coming up, mainly the move of Taryn and her family. Needless to say it is heart breaking, as Taryn and I have never been apart. We have always lived together or in the same vicinity and seen each other frequently. Her husband Dan is an awesome son-in-law and has his hands full with her! Logan is such a sweet baby and I'm not going to get to know him like I know Brayden. Brayden has my heart and this is going to be extremely difficult for me.

Last Sunday when they came to pick Brayden up from spending the weekend with Grandmommy & Grandaddy Tim, Taryn & Dan brought us a gift. I was sitting there eating lunch before having to scoot off to work. Tim took the box out of the pretty yellow bag and unwrapped the tissue paper around it. It was a digital photo frame! Not just your ordinary digital photo frame. This one had options to put music on it, add borders, put different pictures into files, holding about 1600 photos. Taryn quickly plugged it in, grabbed the remote, pressed a couple buttons and there it was...a song she had uploaded and pictures of Brayden, Logan, some of Taryn & Dan fading in and out. I immediately began to cry. There was no containing the emotion no matter how hard I tried. This really made it hit home that they are leaving. I have yet to play that digital photo frame again, but I know that I will. I just need time to process all of this.

So enough with the sadness of this post, lets get on to the pictures!

Just your typical day with snow white soft sand and the clear warm emerald green waters of the Gulf.

Brayden met a we don't know this lady but he seems to be carrying on quite a conversation with her.

Tim and I enjoying the sun and all that comes with the beach. We both love this place, it has a lot of meaning for several different reasons.

Really, if you want to know how Brayden likes the beach, this video says it all. Be sure to watch his tongue wagging the whole time! To cute for words!

Alex just hanging out at waters edge.

A little change of subject but I couldn't leave it out. Brayden feels the need to be covered by every sofa pillow available when he comes to our house. Amazingly enough he fell asleep.

My friend Wendi and I. She is from Calif and we used to be Girl Scout leaders with our friend Debbie for 6 years straight. We had some great times. She was here for her daughter Sarah's wedding. Sarah is my surrogate daughter, she is staying put for a couple of years.

Well thats it this time around. I'm going to make a concious effort to keep this updated more often. I will have tons of pics from our trip to CA. We leave in 2 weeks and I just can't wait!

1 comment:

Shelly Beth said...

So long sweet summer! Those beaches look great. I would love to come for a visit sometime. Drew is applying to three Florida schools, so you never know. I am excited for you to go to CA. Who else is going with you? When does Taryn move? I know that will be so hard for you! Good luck. They got you such a sweet gift - I am sure you will put it to good use.