Thursday, January 14, 2010

Taryn & Dan's Going Away BBQ

Its been a long while since I've posted on here. My computer died and I had to get a new one which took some time, and my photos went as well. So after some time retrieveing photos and stuff I am now ready to make some posts.

Daniel is in the Air Force and has been stationed at Eglin AFB in FL for 6 years. They have finally reasigned him to a different base. Unfortunately it is clear across the US. Beale AFB is in Northern Calif, about 40 miles from Sacramento. I could be wrong on the distance, but never the less its FAR. They had their house packed up and only kept the essentials and stayed with us for almost a week. Then they took the long drive with the boys to Southern California where we met them. That trip is on the next post.

Before they left we had a big BBQ. Here are some of the pics.

Tim BBQing as usual. He is a great grill master and thats why he gets the honors :)

Taryn & Jessica enjoying some of the BBQ. Have you ever known Taryn to keep her mouth shut?

Brayden getting hugs from Great Grandmommy Hutchison. I'm pretty sure Logan slept thru the whole thing.

Dan and Tom, a guy from his shop.

Tim & I enjoying the evening out by the fire pit.

Dan was enjoying himself as well. Trying to take a load off.

Some went inside to play Video Trivia. It got pretty rambunctious in there.

The gang hanging out in the driveway, it was a fun night for all, but sad to say good-bye.

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