Thursday, July 23, 2009

Random Summer Shots with Brayden

Brayden in his new back yard, Taryn and Dan moved back on base to wait until they leave permanently on Sept 1st for Beale AFB in No. Calif.

Helping Tim sweep after helping (watching & running around) Tim mow the lawn.

Holding baby brother Logan. Logan seems to be saying "I just pooped my pants".

The boy loves to play in the mud. He gets his pail, fills it with water from his pool, and takes it to the corner of the flower bed. He pours it in and makes a big nasty mud puddle that he apparently loves to sit in and throw rocks in so that the mud splashes up on him. He loves to do this every time he comes over to my house.

The climb...

The slide...wait for it..

The landing, hilarious look on his face!

Helping Great Grandma Hutchison water plants. He enjoyed this so much.

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