Thursday, July 23, 2009

4th of July at The Beach

We had a busy day on July 4th. We decided we would go to the beach, but early so we didn't get caught in the crowd. Then we planned to join the church pic-nic in the late afternoon and after that our next door neighbor was having a big BBQ and fire works.

Loving the water, Brayden had such a great time. He is so easy to take to the beach now. He stays right at the water edge and doesn't wander off. He loves to be taken out in the water and will occassionaly come up to us while we are sitting in our chairs and try to nudge us out so we will take him.

The kids had such a great time, including the Big Kids :)

Better watch out Hasslehoff! Haha!

Alex and Tim buried Katie. She loved it!

More water fun with waves and all. The water is 80 something and feels great. It was so nice and clear that day.

A little snack time on the boardwalk before we headed home. We had some Italian Ice and warm pretzels.

Tim and Alex posing with the beautiful Gulf in the background.

All in all it was a great time at the beach. We got there before 9am and left before noon when the swamp of people were arriving for the holiday. It was perfect!

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