Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lorinda's Birthday

So yes, I had another birthday on July 17th. It was like any ordinary friday, went to work early, get off early, Taryn brings Brayden to my work and he goes home with me for the weekend.

Well, Taryn did come, with Sarah too and both kids. Sarah got out of the car to give me a hug and then whips this scarf off her neck and blind folds me. She demands my keys for my car and shoves me in Taryn's car. We take a short drive, I'm led out and then blind fold off. Wala, what is it? We are at a smoothie place. Ok, cool. I can go for a smoothie right about now. We go in, order, try to control Brayden from walking around with one flip flop on and then I mention that it will soon be time for Brayden to eat dinner so we better get to gettin'. Ok, we go out, I need Brayden's booster car seat, Taryn has me come to her car to get it and again I am blind folded and shoved in her car. They tell me, "you didn't think we were that cheap did you?". So we are off again.

Now if you have ever ridden with Taryn, you are no doubt a white knuckler. And here I am blind folded, I feel brakes several times, whipping to another lane, etc. I tell her I'm feeling dizzy without my sence of sight. She says were almost there. She stops and gets me out, Sarah meets us there. Off comes the blind fold and we are at my hair salon! Oh yeah! This is great! I've been wanting to get my hair done for a while and it is just never in the budget lately. I needed a trim and color BAD! I went in and sat down in that chair and at that very point I told Carrie, get rid of it, its yuk, I need a cut, use your creative freedom. I cut it off, not completely but a lot to me. It was tired, getting frizzy, I needed a change. After all I start a new job in 2 weeks!

I like the lighter color, the shaggy ends, that it takes years off my face. I have felt like a new person this past week. Thank you so much Taryn & Daniel!! You helped me feel like a new person!

Half way through my hair appt. Tim showed up in a shirt and tie, and yes pants too. He waited for me, gave me some roses and a sweet card and took me for an awesome Thai dinner. Sarah and Katie E. gave me some great things for my hair and skin care too. It was a great day :)

On the note of the new job, I will now be driving 4 miles round trip instead of 30 and got a $2 an hour raise plus have the potential to make commission. I will be working out of the local hospital with a company that has a contract with them. I'm happy for that, God does good work :)

Random Summer Shots with Brayden

Brayden in his new back yard, Taryn and Dan moved back on base to wait until they leave permanently on Sept 1st for Beale AFB in No. Calif.

Helping Tim sweep after helping (watching & running around) Tim mow the lawn.

Holding baby brother Logan. Logan seems to be saying "I just pooped my pants".

The boy loves to play in the mud. He gets his pail, fills it with water from his pool, and takes it to the corner of the flower bed. He pours it in and makes a big nasty mud puddle that he apparently loves to sit in and throw rocks in so that the mud splashes up on him. He loves to do this every time he comes over to my house.

The climb...

The slide...wait for it..

The landing, hilarious look on his face!

Helping Great Grandma Hutchison water plants. He enjoyed this so much.

4th of July at The Beach

We had a busy day on July 4th. We decided we would go to the beach, but early so we didn't get caught in the crowd. Then we planned to join the church pic-nic in the late afternoon and after that our next door neighbor was having a big BBQ and fire works.

Loving the water, Brayden had such a great time. He is so easy to take to the beach now. He stays right at the water edge and doesn't wander off. He loves to be taken out in the water and will occassionaly come up to us while we are sitting in our chairs and try to nudge us out so we will take him.

The kids had such a great time, including the Big Kids :)

Better watch out Hasslehoff! Haha!

Alex and Tim buried Katie. She loved it!

More water fun with waves and all. The water is 80 something and feels great. It was so nice and clear that day.

A little snack time on the boardwalk before we headed home. We had some Italian Ice and warm pretzels.

Tim and Alex posing with the beautiful Gulf in the background.

All in all it was a great time at the beach. We got there before 9am and left before noon when the swamp of people were arriving for the holiday. It was perfect!