Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Time is A Fun Time!!

Well I have been here almost 3 years and Tim and I thought it was about time to find a church that fits us. I searched on the internet a while back and found a couple in our area. We visited one that looked to be what we were looking for so we went the end of November. We liked it and were very welcomed and wanted to try it out some more. We had to miss the next week due to prior obligations but were able to visit again the following week. It was a very moving service and we loved it. We knew that day that this is the one. We went last week and I decided to take Brayden to the nursery/toddler room. He did well for about an hour, I had to come in and show him I'm not leaving him forever and he was able to finish out the time. I think this will help him when he starts school for 4 hours a day in Feb.

We stopped by Taryn's the other day to check out her decorations - Brayden likes to play "chase me" so Tim always does. Here is a pic of them after Tim tackled Bray on his bed!

On December 7th we went to Tim's mom's house and decked out the front with lights and decorations of all kinds. She made a fabulous lunch, she always does feed us good with great Southern cooking. Then we headed off to Tim's company Christmas Party. It was great food and a lot of good conversation. We sat with one of his co-workers and his wife and I liked them so much I think we will invite them up to the house some time. Check out the pic below - I decided to straighten my hair for the occasion.

We have had some of our decorations up out in the front of the house for a couple weeks now but we needed to find time to do the house lights. We found that time this past weekend. I think it looks pretty snazzy. We will keep adding every year from the after holiday sales. We got our tree today, it will be fully decorated tomorrow.

On another note - I had a 2nd interview at a job today and I'm really hoping things work out. I should hear soon but it sure does look like they are leaning towards giving me an official offer. It is for a large Physical Therapy company in a neighboring city. I can use my medical background once again and learn some new things. Most importantly I will have a job again and be able to help get this family back on their feet. I'm super excited about this and tell me, what would be a better Christmas present? I can't think of one!

1 comment:

Shelly Beth said...

Sounds like you have been busy lately! Isn't if fun to decorate for the holidays? I like the straight hair. I don't straighten mine very often because Drew loves my curly hair, but I really like mine straight. Sue just cut all her hair. So, is it true that Taryn is moving to another state? I saw she put something up on facebook a while back and just didn't know if that was for sure or not since I haven't heard anything from you. How do you feel about that? I am sure you will miss your grandkids!