Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our First Anniversary - May 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!! Yep, we made it to the one year mark! We attended church and worked our way to the Olive Garden for lunch. That particular place has lots of memories for the both of us. We had dinner there the night Tim proposed. It has been a wonderful year , especially with both of us deciding to take an active life in church. We have made such great friends and learned so much.

This past anniversary year, we went on a fabulous honeymoon to St. Augustine, FL, we both were laid off our jobs, dealt with months of unemployment, found new jobs, gained a new grandson, got in a car accident, began attending church, had speeding tickets (naughty!), drove several trips to Tallahassee and Lake City to retrieve/return Tim's kids, joined a Life Group, had a loss of a family member, and turned 1 year older.

It's been grand and I hope for many many more years of excitment!!

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