Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Getting Started

Well this is going to be my first blog. I'm not sure what to say, this is all new to me. I tend to be able to write better than I speak so I'm hoping this is going to turn out how I imagined. At this very moment I have been unemployed for 2 weeks and 3 days. I'm looking every day and applying to one or more jobs almost daily. I hope to find something soon.

A couple nice things about being unemployed is you can get things done....if you don't end up to lazy which is easy to fall in to. One thing I love in particular is I get to spend lots of time with Brayden. I've got to go to a couple of his therapies and see whats going on. I also got to go to one of his very important dr. visits.

I haven't really elaborated on my grandson Brayden, well obviously since this is my first post! Brayden is on the Autism Spectrum. He was diagnosed January of 2008. He has since been going to speech and occupational therapy twice a week each. He is what they call "high functioning". He is 2 yrs, 9 months old and will say a couple of words but only as imitation to the kids on tv. He is a pretty active kid, loves to be outdoors and loves to play with any bouncy ball.

He will also bug you to death to swing him! One of the games he love is for me to stand in front of him and swing him and then when he points to his riding toy (which by the way he NEVER rides) he wants me to go over and put my hands on the handle bars and make it go and then run back to swing him. He laughs every time I do it like it is the funniest thing in the world. So yep....of course I do it! Haha.

Ok, well this will have to do for my first post until I can figure out what I'm doing on here. If you are reading, thanks a lot!

1 comment:

Shelly Beth said...

Welcome to the blogging world! There's no turning back now! As far as backgrounds go, I used the ones on blogger for a while and they got boring really fast. All my friends had cute scrapbook-type backgrounds that I loved. There is a website, The Cutest Blog on the Block, where I get my current backgrounds. I have tried other sites, but this is my favorite because they have a TON to choose from. Go to my blog and click on the blue box in the upper left corner of my blog and it will take you to the Cutest Blog. On the left side at the top of the sidebar is Backgrounds. Click that and then the right sidebar lists blog themes. Click on those and you will see a bunch of backgrounds. Click on the one you like and follow the directions on how to put the background on your blog. FYI, I made up a blog (since they are free) to test out all the backgrounds and changes that I make to my real blog before actually doing it so that I know it doesn't screw everything up. If you follow the directions, it shouldn't screw anything up, but you never know!

Also, under Helpful Links on the sidebar at the bottom of my blog I list two other helpful websites: Blog Templates is another blog with free templates you can use. Editing HTML is a cool website with pretty easy instructions on how to use scrapbook paper you download from the internet (there are a bunch of freebies out there) and then make your own background. I have done that too and enjoyed it, but it takes a lot of work and I am picky about things so I went to Cutest Blog instead.