Monday, November 17, 2008

6 Months of Marriage

Yes I know it is crazy to celebrate a 6 month anniversary but I really wanted to! As Bret says, "its an anniversary not a monthaversary!" I bought some pretty yellow daisy's and used the nice china too! We had a simple dinner with candlelight, our unity sand heart from the wedding and some great background music. We even had New York Cheesecake for dessert! It was really nice and a good look back at a really happy and perfect day.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting Back On My Feet

Well here I am again, finally! After a car wreck my husband and I were in and a bout of illness for me, I am finally able to get back on here. In the time since my last blog we have done many things.

We have been to the Pumpkin Patch, went to the city Fall Festival, had a bonfire, went to a Family Reunion BBQ in Alabama, had trick-or-treat (I was sick as a dog so did not hoo), and have gone to the Veteran's Day Parade. Still no job for me but I'm trying to stay optomistic.

Another fine thing is that Alabama football is in full swing and we are still undefeated!! Go Bama!